Thursday, July 29, 2010

Second Week

July 21, 2010

My second week was full of endings. I took my last class with Dr. Silverman and my last class of chamber music. I must say my last class of piano was awesome. Dr. Silverman spoke really beautiful to me, and that I will appreciate it forever. Probably, I did not express fully about how I felt of taking classes with him. I feel sorry for that, hope he understood Spanish, as it is this my first language, and it is in this language in which I can express myself more completely. I have to say, that it was a tremendous pleasure taking classes with him. I learned so many things, and I truly believe this was a once in a lifetime experience. I have so many things to thank him that made me feel bad me not being able to completely express my appreciation to him. Hope he could felt it, as I am really happy and motivated in what concerns with improving my playing of the piano due to all his comments and teachings. So, thank you very much Dr. Silverman! I am more than willing to continue practicing and working to improve my piano playing, as this is what I love the most. Playing the piano has and always been my most precious treasure, and you helped me to love and know it more. Thank you!

On the other hand, my last class of chamber was not that good. I have to practice much more playing with other instruments as partners rather than just as an accompanist. I must confess that I was really glad of finishing this class because it was really stressing for me. What I learned of this? I think: one to practice more with metronome. Playing with other instruments, not as an accompanist but as a partner of a trio, made me feel really nervous and anxious, which made me lost the tempo (a really bad thing especially when talking about ensembles), even though I always practiced this piece with metronome for several hours every day. Two: have more communication with my colleagues of the ensemble. It was really hard not knowing them and just playing with them during coaching time. So, I think this was a really big problem at least for me, because we were creating the same music, which means we were trying to kind of express the same idea, without even knowing each other and being on the same page. Three: Focus more on the hard passages so those are good enough and do not bring you any problems when you are playing under pressure (A fact that I already knew, but by some reason I didn’t did).So by the end of my class, I felt mad with me because I really believe I could have done a better job if I would’ve focus more; but also I felt really relief, I was getting really tired of being so stressed and not being able to really concentrate in my coaching periods. Shame on me! :/

Finally, my weekend was awesome. I just take it free and very calm so I can recharge batteries for the upcoming weeks. On Saturday, I went to practice my six hours, and after that me and three other girls went to the mall to watch a movie and have dinner. Next day, was kind of the same: Waking up late, going shopping, watching another movie and having dinner. A really good weekend which I think I enjoyed a hundred percent. Now I am more than ready to start the second half of this amazing experience.

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